Roscoe Charles Yates was the son of Etha Inda and Benjamin Yates. He was born on March 6, 1887 in Pope County, Illinois. In the 1900 Census he is found living with his family in Eddyville.
On December 10, 1907 he married Margaret A. Williams (?) in Pope County, Illinois. ( Note: Not sure with her last name. This date taken from a Census Record. )
Their children were as follows:
Reba E born 1910
Estelle born 1911
Charles Glenn born 1914 died 1971
Kenneth born 1916
Ralph E born 1925
Census records show the family living in Pope County.
1910 - Alexander
Yates, Roscoe - age 23, married 2 years, educated, rented land to farm
Maggie - age 22, married 2 years, mother of one child, living, educated
Reba - daughter, age 1,
Ethal* - mother, 64 years old, widowed, she could read
( interesting note: they lived next door to Sarah Della and James Jacobs)
* difficult to read, assuming it is Etha Inda
1920 - Monroe ( just adding new information)
Yates, Roscoe
Reba, daughter, age 10, attending school
Estelle, daughter, age 9, attending school
Charlie, son, age 5, not attending school
Kenith, son, age 4, not attending school
Etha, mother, widowed, age 76
1930 - Golconda
Yates, Roscoe
Estella, daughter, 18, attended school
Glen C., son, 15, attended school
Kenneth R, son, 14, attended school
Ralph, son, 5, not attending school
Jacobs, Della, sister, age 50, divorced,
*Yew, Betty, great-uncle, female, age 10, born Indiana, attending school
* it reads great uncle -- meaning that Roscoe was Betty's great uncle;
I also found the following:
1917-18 WWI Draft Registration Card
1942 WWII Draft Registration Card
Roscoe died in April 1963. He was buried in Old Home Cemetery, Eddyville, Pope County, Illinois.
Margaret ( according to her gravestone) was born in 1888 and died in 1946. She is buried beside her husband.
Resources: delayed birth certificate, census records, headstone, draft registration cards
Questions/ More Research
Research more details for this side of the family.
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