Below are the names of extended family members that are mentioned in blog posts but don't have a post to themselves.
Carnes/ Karnes, Alexander (nickname Xander)
Carr, ( Claire, Lloyd and Loren) ( children of Georgia Yates and Chester Carr )
Carr, Nancy Catherine (nee BELL) and Thomas Jefferson ( parents of Chester Carr)(headstone here )
Cornwell, Elizabeth ( nee McCulley)
Dunn, Cleo E ( married Lora Jacobs ) ( and here )
Dunn, Robert ( married Sarah Della Yates Jacobs )
Blackburn, John ( might have married a YATES )
Grisham, Eugene "Gene" Moore
Grisham, Jackson "Jack" Peyton
Grisham, Mary Ruth (nee SETTLEMOIR)
Grisham, Milas Edgar
Grisham, Wilbur
Gurley, Mary ( and here )
Gut, John ( father of John P Gut/Goot)
Gut, "little" John ( son of John P Gut/Goot )
Gut, Mary ( mother of John P Gut/Goot) ( nee GAPMER )
King, Margaret K. ( probably married a YATES ) ( and here )
Jacobs, ( children of Sarah Yates and James Jacobs - Gordon, Bea, Ella Bell, Ivy, Dorce, Rose, Nora, Lora, and Jean )
Jacobs, William Henry ( James Jacobs' father)
Jones, ( married Rose Jacobs )
Hardy, ( married Jean Jacobs )
Hathaway, Edward ( married Martha Jane Woolwine )
Hoffner, ( married Beatrice Jacobs)
Lamasters, Eda ( nee Yates) ( with daughters Cynthia A and Mary)
Leggand, Minnie ( and here ) (nee Prewitt) ( married Crawford Leggans )
Mayfield, Isaac ( his daughter married a YATES)
Mayfield, Martha ( nee Parrot, wife to Isaac )
McCulley, Evertt ( also known as James E. McCulley)
McCulley, Dora
Mitchell, Mary Ann ( might have married a YATES )
Ney, ( married Ivie Jacobs )
Prewitt, Andrew (married a YOUNGBLOOD)
Prewitt, Charlotte ( daughter of Lonnie and Dora) headstone
Prewitt, Delbert (married Ethel) (headstone) (also known as William D. Prewitt)
Prewitt, Geradean (married BATSEN)
Prewitt, Laura/ Louisa
Prewitt, Lonnie (married Dora McCulley) (headstone)
Prewitt, Ray (married a BRUMIT )
Prewitt, Richard (son of Lonnie and Dora) - headstone
Prewitt, Ruth (daughter of Delbert and Ethel) headstone
Prewitt, William J (headstone) (nickname Bud)
Prewitt, William Paul ( headstone)
Pugh, Pernecia ( James Jacobs' mother )
Rhine, William and Louisa
Robb, John L. ( married Catherine Woolwine )
Robertson, ( married Lora Jacobs )
Scott, Frances E. ( might have married a YATES )
Settlemoir, Ephrian Moore
Settlemoir/Settlemor, Georgia
Shadowens, Clabern ( married Mrs. Pernice Pugh Jacobs )
Stapelton, Leotus ( married Ella Bella Jacobs )
Stewart, Samuel
Tucker, Carl ( and here )
Tucker, Charles
Tucker, Christina
Tucker, Clement
Tucker, Ellen (nee Rhine)
Tucker, Louie/Lewis
Tucker, Mary
Tucker, Malinda
Tucker, Sarah E. (nee Collier)
Walker, Henry Leroy ( Roy) ( wife Viola Yates, children Orben, Verlie, Clara, Vernon and Jewel )
Williams, ( Simon,Catherine, Henry Newton, James, Martha Jane, John and David )
Williams, Mary Catherine ( nee KING ) ( married Henry Williams )
Williams, Sarah ( nee WILEY) ( married John Williams )
Williams, Mary and John ( parents to John, grandparents to Etha Inda Yates )
Williams, James and Josiah ( siblings to John )
Williams, Hannah Mahala ( nee Hathaway ) ( wife to Josiah )
Williams, Green B (son of Hannah and Josiah )
Wiley, John and Phoebe (parents to Sarah Williams)
Woolwine, Simon/George and Fannie ( nee BINYARD )
Yates, William ( both father and son)
Yates, Sally ( both mother and daughter)
Yates, Betsy
Yates, Joshua
Yates, Philip
Yates, Lewis
Yates, Nancy
Yates, Jackson ( or Andrew J )
Yates, Levi ( with wife Sally and children George, William and Ambrus)
Yates, Joseph ( with family)
Yates, Margaret ( nee WILLIAMS ??) (children: Reba, Estella, Charles, Kenith, Ralph )
Yates, Cora E. ( nee LEVERETT ) ( children Guy, Gladys, Tella, Vida, Verda, Allie, and Offa )
Young, Margaret ( might have married a YATES)