McCulley Family Tree

This gives you a snapshot of where everyone belongs on the tree. As I post I will link the names here to their post.

Alexander McCulley, part 1 , part 2part 3

* first marriage Mary Gurley

1. son Charles

* second marriage Delia (Lewis) Wentz, picture of Delia, headstone here


1. Elijah  married Dora (children Evertt and Elizabeth)

headstone for Elijah, picture of Cleveland and Elijah

2. Charlotte married Wm Prewitt ( 2nd marriage for Wm, several children from both marriages)

headstones for the McCulley-Prewitt family

3. Myrtle "Mittie"  married a Carnes ( son Alexander "Xander")

4. Sarah J married  Edward Tucker ( 2nd marriage for Edward, several children from both marriages)

headstone for Sarah

5. Grover "Cleveland" married Effie Little (one child),

pictures of Cleveland and Effie, picture of Cleveland and Elijah, picture of Cleveland
headstone for Cleveland and Effie