This gives a snapshot of the Lewis family tree. As I post about them I will place a link here.
Levi Lewis
* married Charlotte "Lottie" Oxford
1. John Lewis
(maybe) son: Absalom Lewis
2. Mary Lewis
married Nathan Miles children : Adaline, John, Ellen, Norman
3. Samuel Lewis
married Eudora Modglin children: Mary J
4. Christina Lewis
married Edmund Rice
married Jacob Thorn children Nathan, Levi, Learoy, Susanah (?), Willia (?)
5. Charlotte Lewis
6. Lucinda Lewis
7. William Lewis
married Jeanie Belle Wilson
a. John Lewis
b. Nora Lewis married Tom Smith children: Dan, Sam,Leroy, Claude, Alma, Ethel, Lucille
c. Bertha Lewis
d. Ida Mae Lewis
child: Walter Lee "Glee" Lewis, raised my grandparents
married Thomas J Hale --no children
married Marion "Jack" Osborn --- no children
e. Levi "Lee" Lewis
married Ellen Peeler (maybe her last name)
children: Charles E, Howard E, Malvin, Bill, Alberta, maybe others
f. Flora K Lewis
married Shick Little (also refer to Little Family Tree)
children: Rudolph, Orville Murray, Dorothy Mae, William A, Benjamin Marion, Jeanie Belle, Rosalee "Rose", Pansy Irene " Rene", Katherine "Kay"
8. Delia E Lewis
picture of Delia, headstone here
married Henry Wentz/Wells -- no children
married Alexander McCulley ( refer to McCulley Family Tree)
part 1, part 2 , part 3
children : Elijah ( headstone here ), Charlotte ( husband William Prewitt and McCulley-Prewitt headsones ), Myrtle "Mittie", Sarah J ( huband James Tucker, and headstone for Sarah ), Grover "Cleveland
9. Sarah Lewis