Monday, October 8, 2012

Mary Lewis Faggart

~~~~ Warning: Rough Draft ~~~~

Mary (unknown) was married to Samuel Lewis probably around 1800 in Tennessee.

She is named as Samuel's wife on his Probate Record in January 1830 in Union County, Illinois. In this same document under heirs it reads : Mary Faggart, widow.

In the Illinois Marriage Database it list the following:

Mrs. Mary Lewis marries George Faggert on April 18, 1833 in Union County, Illinois.

Questions/ More Research

1. Need to find a surname.

2. Marriage Certificate to Samuel Lewis ( look Tennessee).

3.  Life after 1833 and burial information.


  1. Mary Lewis Faggart's maiden name is probably Mary "Polly" Bone. She married Samuel Lewis in 1802 in Logan County, KY. By 1820 they were in Union county Il living next door to Mary's probable brother, Squire Bone (m. Ruth Anderson 1808 Logan KY). Squire eventually moved on to Obion county TN. These Bones are probably the siblings of my husband's ancestor Azariah Bone, a Methodist minister who moved from KY to MO and finally to TX. I'm in the process of trying to get info from the Logan county court order books which I think will prove all these Bones to be the children of a James Bone of Logan and Christian counties in KY.

    A Mary Bone is also in Union County at the same time as the Lewises and Squire Bone. She is older than all of them and MAY possibly be their mother, as James died in 1807.
