Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sarah Della Yates -- more information

The information below was shared with me by Dixie Barger. Thank you!

{Interview with Aunt Lora Robertson}

Husband was a farmer and he worked away from home in the winter. Went to church at Eddyville Methodist church. Farm was an old hilly farm. When they went to town they went in wagons or walked. James bought his first car after Lora was married.

When Lora was eleven (1921 ? ) they moved to Carrier Mills. They had 2 wagon loads. James led a cow.

Della's brother Sam was married to Cora Leverett. He was a good looking man, per Lora.

Sam's farm was between Eddyville and Harrisburg. When they would go to visit, the mules wouldn't cross the ditch, so they put two sacks over their heads and would lead them across.

Della sewed clothes and made Halloween dresses.

The first time James left and took all the money. When he came back, Grandma Della said, " I guess the good Lord sent you back to me blind so I would have to take care of you."

Grandma lived in a house behind the switchboard ( in Eddyville). That's were Aunt Jean was born. They were divorced so James could marry Cora. She talked like he did.

Lora married at 13 in Mt. Vernon, IN to Cleo Dunn ( Bob Dunn's son).

Per Lora, Grandmother Etha Inda ( Grandma Yates) had dark hair and dark complexion.

( End of interview

Other family information:

Family info says they had a child named Gordon Jacobs. In the 1910 census it reads 8 children, 7 living. The deceased one here must be Gordon. Ivy died later.

Pope County Register of Stillbirths ( at Courthouse)
September 15, 1902 record of stillbirth infant death. James Jacob and Sarah D. Jacobs. place of birth "near" Eddyville. res. Eddyville. period of utero gestation - 2 months Sept 15, 1905, sex not given, white both Americans - no cause. Alonzo Glass, Eddyville. Buried New Liberty Cemetery.

Children included Gordon Jacobs -- family info indicates he was born July 28, 1893 and died in 1893. Note Sarah Della and James were married July 9, 1893.

Second marriage to Bob Dunn of Harrisburg in 1937.

Death- Sarah Della died June 17, 1947, at her home in Dorris Heights, Harrisburg, IL. Buried in Salem Cemetery, Carrier Mills, Row 38:
Robert S Dunn 1872 - 19
Della S Dunn  1876-1947

Update Sept 23, 2013:

According to the Illinois Statewide Death Index Online:

Cleo E. Dunn died on Feb 4, 1930 in Carrier Mills Twp, Saline County

Pic of gravestone Cleo E Dunn:

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